What Do Healthy Gums Look Like

The gum covers our teeth in the tooth area as well as the edges of the alveolar bone.

Like the teeth, the gum is prone to diseases and inflammation.

But what do healthy gums look like and what diseases are there in this area?
 What Do Healthy Gums Look Like
 What Do Healthy Gums Look Like

What do healthy gums look like

  1. Healthy gums are firm and pale pink. 
  2. The gingival margin runs thin and lies close to the tooth. 
  3. Healthy gums do not bleed when brushing teeth.

Characteristic for healthy gums is that this tightly surrounds the tooth with a light wave profile.

The color should be light pink.

If it is healthy, it covers the jaw bone and sits like a collar tightly on the tooth halves.

In addition, it has a stippled surface and should not bleed when touching and brushing.

Many, however, have diseased gums without knowing it.

Read this :-

  1. How to keep your teeth healthy
  2. Why is it important to brush your teeth
  3. How to take care of teeth

How can you recognize diseases of the gums?

There are many disorders of which this part of the mouth can be affected.

Diseases and hypersensitivity can be attributed to gum bleeding, gum disease, and pain.

Diseases that may occur include, for example, a gingival recession, swollen gums, and gingival pockets.

Fistulas can also be very painful in this area.

Once you have pain or a difference in the gums, you should visit your dentist. the earlier diseases and inflammations are recognized, the more effective the dentist can act.

Our section :- Tips for healthy teeth

How to have healthy gums and what is indeed

With a good diet you get healthy gums.

The following tips will show you what you can do and what you should leave behind.

It is basically simple.

You only need to consider the following two rules, which you already know:

  • Healthy eating
  • Regular, thorough cleaning

Healthy eating means essentially

  1. Avoid sugar and acid
  2. Wholefood
  3. Neat chewing
  4. Reduce nutritional deficiencies

But what does this mean exactly?

No sugar: The enemy of the teeth is also the enemy of the gum.

Sugar is decomposed by mouth bacteria, resulting in acid. And it attacks the tooth.

Caries , however, does not only remain in the teeth, but also migrates into the depths of the tooth holding apparatus.

There, the bacteria continues its harmful work, and with time this also has an effect on the gums around this tooth.

Eating healthy: With regard to the gum, especially the full-fledged nutrition is helpful.

Chewing stimulates salivation.

Saliva helps clean the mouth and protects your teeth and gums by its ingredients.

Thus, when acids are sufficiently chewed, acids are neutralized.

The plant fibers help to actively clean the teeth and the gums when chewing.

The extensive chewing of the whole food prepares not only the digestion and thus also the absorption of the nutrients optimally, but also massages the gum.

Vitamins, trace elements and minerals: These vitamins are important for gums especially like vitamins C and E, folic acid and indirectly vitamin A, H and K:

  1. Vitamin A and its precursor betacarotin (provitamin A) help build up the mucous membranes.
  2. The skin vitamine H (biotin) prevents the mucous membranes from drying out and increases their defenses.
  3. Vitamin K reduces the acid production by caries bacteria.
  4. Vitamin C and folic acid support the healing in gum disease.

The mineral calcium counteracts gum disease. 

But do not exaggerate. Normally, excess calcium is excreted with the stool.

It can also lead to kidney stones.

In the case of certain diseases or when vitamin D is administered at the same time, it can even lead to a calcium overdose with serious health damage.

More than 400-500 mg of calcium should not be taken by one adult per day. 

You can generally cover this requirement within a balanced diet with the usual calcium-containing foods (milk, cheese).

If you eat vegan or vegetarian, you should eat enough pod fruits, nuts and winter vegetables.

On the other hand, Lakto-Ovo vegetarians, for whom dairy products play a major role, are different. Here it is easy to exceed the daily requirement.

On the other hand, different foods also interfere with the processing of calcium in the body.

These include salt and phosphorus. Phosphorus-rich foods include liquid milk products, cola drinks, cocoa drinks, various sausage products, hard cheese, processed cheese and legumes.

So these are all the ways you can make your gums healthy. So finally now you know what do healthy gums look like.

1 comment:

  1. Undoubtedly gum disease is the most common dental problem affecting most of the growing age groups. Gum treatment cost in Chennai entirely depends upon the extent of the patient’s needs.

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